Thursday, September 5, 2019

How to Become a 'Famous Artist'...

So, like, I have a Twitter account.
And I have an Instasham account.
I appreciate them as tools but really need to focus on developing this website of mine... while continuing to create... [birth the creations of my tattered brain]

It's almost like a fear of success kicks in right on the edge of something great.
And then I sabotage the fuck out of myself like an orthodox priest beating out his sins!
There really isn't anything left to fear...
The worst has already happened.

I guess it's only up from here.
I have a few projects in the mix... And hopefully, there will be more pictures... or links to pictures....

If you happen to stumble across this ad lib blog of a pathetic California artist... please, go follow me with the links given to you below, and tell your friends you found a shitty art blog to make fun of on YouTube, Vine -style.  

If you tell them that, they'll subscribe to and follow me. 
Everyone should follow me.... You never know what the cat will leave on your front porch. 

Take this as a learning guide on 'How to make your life ROYALLY SUCK : A Christian Family Guide'

RANDOM THOUGHT: I once watched a 3.5 hour video involving artists... explaining what art means to them.  I really wished I was in it.  The beginning of the film has a man cutting his penis and utilizing the blood to create aht.   I continued watching the ENTIRE thing and have watched it more than 4 times.  It's very inspiring to me... [Except I don't have a penis].  I still wish I was interviewed.  I hope to be fully engulfed in my madness when they decide to make a 2nd.  I hope this blog will reach them and have them consider the idea...

::winks:: "Call me".

Stay tuned for more of my shenanigans.
Feel free to send random questions to my social media accounts.. or comment on this blog. 
I love the unpredictable...


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